
Regular price $49.50 Sale

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Relieves symptoms of indigestion with herbs traditionally used in Ayurvedic Medicine.

Agnitone contains herbs traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to reduce colic and wind pain.

Piper longum is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to:

  • Relieve loss of appetite
  • Promote healthy digestion. Piper nigrum is traditionally used to:
  • Relieve flatulence (Western herbal medicine)
  • Relieve abdominal pain and discomfort (Chinese herbal medicine)


Product Features:

Black Pepper

Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper) is known for properties which improve digestion, counter gas, indigestion, bloating, gurgling, dyspepsia, colic pain and is helpful with anorexia as it improves the sense of taste. Black pepper is also very effective for respiratory system ailments, and aids with nervous system issues. It is also known for its anti-fungal, antibacterial, antispasmodic and hepatoprotective properties in western herbalism. In Ayurvda, it has energetics which are pungent in taste, has a hot energy, and a pungent post-digestive effect (PDA), with sharp, light and minute qualities. Balances both Kapha and Vata. Piperine is the most active constituent.


Long Pepper

Piper Longum (Long Pepper/Pippali) is best known for having antioxidant qualities, and being good for digestion – helping to improve digestive fire. Long pepper also has a rejuvenating quality, helps to neutralise toxins (Ama) and is good for respiratory system ailments. In Ayurveda, Long Pepper has energetics which are pungent in taste, hot in potency and has a sweet post-digestive effect (PDE). It has a sharp quality and helps to balance all three doshas, but more so for Kapha and Vata. Piperine is the main active constituent.



Zingiber Officinale (Ginger) is very effective in the management of gut related issues, such as with digestion, heaviness, sluggishness – aiding in the secretion of Hydro-chloric Acid (HCL) and enzymes which help to regulate the bowel. Ginger is also helpful in pain relief and is good for asthma, cough, common cold and nausea. In Ayurveda,Ginger has energetics which are pungent in taste, with a hot energy, and a sweet post-digestive effect (PDE), with sharp, dry and heavy qualities. Ginger balances Kapha and Vata. Dosage 1-2g.



Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel) is very effective for managing gut health, helping with the assimilation and absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, aiding digestion, countering burning sensations in the gut, as well as having carminative properties, and being helpful in the management of Anorexia. Fennel also helps in supporting heart function, women’s disorders and helps to improve immunity. In Ayurveda, Fennel has energetics which are sweet , bitter and pungent in taste, with a sweet post-digestive effect, and is neither hot nor cold in energy, with a balancing impact on all three doshas.


Directions for use: Adults take 1-5 capsules, with or without food, divided throughout the day, as needed.

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