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Digestive Enzymes are biologically active proteins found in all living cells. Digestive enzymes turn the food we eat into energy which may be utilised by the body for various biological processes. Our bodies naturally produce digestive enzymes, as they are needed.
Many Australians experience some kind of digestive problem. The typical benefits of enzyme supplementation include reduced digestive distress and improved regularity.
When undigested foods travel through the intestines they can irritate and potentially damage the sensitive intestinal wall. Over time, this irritation may reduce our digestive capacity and negatively influence the vital absorption process. Promoting proper digestion may also help relieve occasional constipation and irregularity by encourage a healthy intestinal environment.
According to Yuri Elkaim author of Eating for Energy, enzymes may even may increase physical vitality and enhanced energy levels. In many cases, up to 80% of our body’s vital energy may be spent on digestion. By aiding the breakdown and absorption of foods, Elkaim suggests you can free up significant amounts of energy.
Elkaim, Yuri. “Health Benefits of Fasting.” Eating for Energy Blog. Yuri Elkaim, 22 Oct 2009. Web. 2 Aug 2010. .
Enzymes typically have positive effects such as relief from digestive complaints. Few negative effects are reported. A very small percentage of people have reported upset stomach and soft stool (more frequent and softer bowel movements) when first beginning to take a high-potency digestive enzyme supplement. As with any adverse effect, discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner.
Some individuals insist that the effects of digestive enzymes can be felt more quickly than other nutritional products. The typical experience allows for the consumer to make an educated decision on the continuing use of a particular product within just a few days to a few weeks because of the speed of results with enzymes.
Supplemental enzymes support normal body organ function without replacing its effective working ability. We like to compare it to a raw food diet that is rich in enzymes. No one suggests eating raw food would inhibit the body’s natural production of digestive enzymes. The fact is the body will continue to manufacture the enzymes needed to benefit from food; supplemental digestive enzymes simply aid the digestive process.
Avoid enzymes measured by weight, and the presence of excess fillers such as magnesium stearate, apple pectin and rice starch.
Enzymedica’s Digest Premium and Intolergest can be taken by both children and adults. Because of its unique herbal blend, Heartburn Soothe may not be appropriate for the special nutritional considerations of new and expecting mothers. Until more research is completed, we do not recommend Heartburn Soothe for pregnant or lactating mothers or children under three years of age.