Support immune system health with Zinc, Garlic, and Ayurvedic Herbs
Immune Guard contains zinc which is an antioxidant to reduce free radicals formed in the body. Zinc supports immune system health and general health and wellbeing. It also contains Guduchi, traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to improve body strength.
Product Features
Tinospora Cordifolia (Guduchi) is recognised for it immunity supporting properties, is widely used in Ayurveda because of its versatile qualities. Guduchi is also helpful for various ailments related with Liver disorders, urinary tract infections, gout, seronegative arthritis, ankylosis spondylitis, multiple sclerosis, skin disorders and supports the digestive system by improving nutrient absorption. In Ayurveda, Guduchi has energetics which are bitter and astringent in taste, is hot in potency, has a sweet post-digestive effect, has light and oily qualities and helps balance all three doshas. Active constituents: alkaloids, glycosides and steroids. Dosage 3.5g.
Holy Basil
Ocimum Sanctum (Holy Basil, Tulsi) is known in Ayurveda as Rasayana which means rejuvenator, which nowadays refers to boosting cellular immunity. Tulsi is an excellent anti-oxidant, and is great for respiratory health, gut issues and helps to counter stress and anxiety. In Ayurveda, Tulsi has energetics which are pungent and bitter, hot in potency, has a pungent post-digestive effect (PDE), has sharp, light and dry qualities and balances both Kapha and Vata.
Long Pepper
Piper Longum (Long Pepper, Pippali) is best known for having antioxidant qualities, and being good for digestion – helping to improve digestive fire. Long pepper also has a rejuvenating quality, helps to neutralise toxins (Ama) and is good for respiratory system ailments. In Ayurveda, Long Pepper has energetics which are pungent in taste, hot in potency and has a sweet post-digestive effect (PDE). It has a sharp quality and helps to balance all three doshas, but more so for Kapha and Vata. Piperine is the main active constituent.
Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha) is known as a rejuvenative herb, helping to enhance body strength and immunity, and is used to help manage auto-immune disorders. Ashwagandha will help to counter fatigue and tiredness, is good for neurological disorders, helps to improve sleep, counters anxiety and stress, has anti-aging properties and also has aphrodisiac qualities. According to Ayurvedic Principles of Pharmacology, Ashwagandha has energetics which are pungent, bitter and astringent in taste, is hot in potency, has a pungent post-digestive effect at the tissue level, and has oily and lightness qualities. Based on these energetics it is known to balance all three doshas, but especially Kapha and PItta.
Phyllanthus Emblica (Amalaki) is one of nature’s richest sources of natural vitamin C, known for its anti-aging qualities as well as being an excellent rejuvenator. Amalaki enhances the function of all bodily systems, making it one of the best herbs for boosting immunity. In Ayurveda, Amalaki has energetics with five tastes (sweet, sour, pungent, bitter and astringent) – all except salty, sour being the most dominant – it has a cold potency, and a sweet post-digestive effect (PDE), with heavy and cool qualities. Amalaki balances all three doshas.
Allium Sativum (Garlic) is good for respiratory issues, boosts immunity, and is known for its anti-aging properties. Garlic is also a good cardiac tonic, aids digestion, and helps to neutralise and eliminate toxins (Ama) from the body. In Ayurveda, Garlic has energetics which are pungent, bitter, salty and sweet, is hot in potency, has a pungent post-digestive effect, has oily, sharp and hot qualities, and helps to balance both Vata and Kapha.